Religious School

Religious School

Congregation B’nai Torah holds Religious School classes from September through May. Pre-school/Kindergarten meets once a month to introduce our youngsters to the school and to other children in our community. 

We are proud of our religious school and its students’ achievements. Class size is small, enabling teachers and students to work closely together. For the first half of the day students learn Judaic studies – Torah topics for the week, blessings, holidays and ethics. The second half is devoted to Hebrew, starting with the alphabet and working with each student to improve at his/her own pace. We often including baking or cooking activities and arts and crafts to engage the children.  Once a month we end the school day with 20 minutes of music including songs sung at services or during the current holiday.

Children are welcome to join Hebrew school classes at any point during the school year and new members get the first year of Hebrew school for free.  

Our goal is for our students to become:

  • Jews who express pride in their heritage, who observe and practice Jewish traditions and who enjoy transmitting their knowledge and enthusiasm to the next generation.
  • Jews who understand the nature of prayer and why we pray and who get to know and are comfortable with the prayer book.
  • Jews who become knowledgeable about the ethics, values and mitzvot that have guided Jews for 4,000 years and who themselves are committed to live by these values.
  • Jews who understand the place of Hebrew in Jewish traditions and who use this language of the Jewish people during synagogue worship and home celebrations.
  • Jews who are familiar with the origins and meanings of Jewish customs and practices and who observe these Jewish ceremonies on the significant occasions in their lives.
  • Jews who support and participate in the life of the synagogue, their Jewish community and the community at large.
  • Jews who affirm their bond with the Land of Israel and work for its well-being.

Click here for religious school application. For more information about Hebrew School, please contact us.